Organoclay applications include groundwater pump and treat, as an amendment for in-situ solidification/stabilization, permeable reactive barrier, and as part of a sediment cap. Compared to activated carbon, organoclay has a high adsorption capacity for oil and grease and less soluble, higher molecular weight organics. Organoclay is often deployed in conjunction with activated carbon, often as a pretreatment step to extend the life of the carbon. Various organoclays are available depending on the application, some of which are provided below. Please contact us for the most current technical data and properties sheet.

Organoclay F

A proprietary granular filtration media that reliably adsorbs oils and similar organics from water. It is a mixture of 30% active ORGANOCLAY and 70% anthracite filter media, which allows for maximum utilization of the large sorption capacity of ORGANOCLAY without excessive pressure build-up in the column. Applications include: Groundwater Pump-and-Treat and Sediment Dewatering Treatment.
Organoclay BB

Our coarsest grain media, ORGANOCLAY BB is a larger and denser version of ORGANOCLAY PM-200 to aid in settling through the water column. When used for sediment capping, ORGANOCLAY BB can be placed hydraulically or mechanically.
Organoclay PM-199

PM-199 features high adsorption capacity of oils, greases, and other NAPL and can be used on its own or in series with activated carbon. When used as a filtration media prior to an activated carbon vessel, PM-199 extends the life and of activated carbon by removing larger molecular organics that can cause fouling. Applications include filtration, sediment capping, ISS, and PRB.
Organoclay PM-200

Our second coarsest grain media, ORGANOCLAY PM-200's particle size aids in settling through the water column when placing a bulk active in-situ sediment cap. ORGANOCLAY PM-200 is also your best match for intermixing with coarse inert soil for use of a Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) or for Bulk Sediment Capping.